Torie Ranch Vineyard

All of our Syrah is Estate grown on the West side of the Paso Robles appellation. The vineyard is very close to being deemed organic as we use little in the way of pesticides and rely on natural pests like Lady Bugs and Praying Mantis to keep things in check. Neighbors often see us weed-wacking to keep growth to a minimum.

The clone of Syrah is the famous Estrella River and French 7 clone. We planted in 1999 and harvested our first grapes in 2002 when our daughter was born - one of the reasons why we incorporate her hand print into our artwork. We harvest in early October once the grapes have reached a minimum of 25 brix of sugar. We hand pick the grapes to keep the vines healthy and to assure premium quality. Harvest is a family effort and we thought we would share pictures from many harvests over the years. Enjoy our picture gallery!

766 Main Street, Ste. B
Cambria, California


Open Thur - Mon 12pm - 5pm